

今得知题为‘Y'的拙诗已正式被选入英文版《加拿大最佳诗选集》(2014)Best Canadian Poetry。这是老猿我第三次有幸入选,对一个19岁才开始学英文字母的湖北乡巴佬来说,也算是个不大不小的鼓励或安慰吧。

第一次是2009年,诗题为‘迷人中国:九曲黄河之歌’('China Charms: Nine Detours of the Yellow River');第二次是2012年,题为‘等待’("Waiting')。事不过三,我想,屡屡被提名美国‘小推车’文学奖,反复被选入《加拿大最佳诗选集》,说明我从小缺乏诗才自信是多余的。不过,正是这种自卑一直在驱使我不断挑战自己。

我的自卑是不无道理的:中学时想当诗人,当初下乡投过20多次诗稿,从未收到哪怕是一封标准化的拒绝信。直到今天,我给国内投过几百次稿,除了在两三个境外中文刊物上有诗发表外,和四十年前一样,简直是音讯全无, 唯一的例外是四川诗人张智主编的《世界诗人》曾刊用过我的一首小诗。此外,我在加拿大一年也发表不了几首诗。十分讽刺的是,我居然比大多数‘名’诗人更经常被选入《加拿大最佳诗选集》,疑似有点墙内开花墙外香的味道。



yes, yes, with your
yellowish skin, you enjoy
meditation within the shape of
a wishbone, inside the broken wing
of an oriental bird strayed, or
in a larger sense, you look like
    the surfacing tail of a pacific whale
        who yells low, lower than the Yellow Emperor
but whose voice reaches afar
far beyond a whole continent, to a remote village
near the yellow river, where you used to sunbathe
rice stems, reed leaves, cotton skeletons
with a fork made of a single horn-shaped twig
before you fled the village, tightly yoked
with the imbalance between yin and yang
on the other side of this new world

that is why you have ever since then been

obsessed with the letter

[first published in Branch Magazine #10, 2013]